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Industry Oveview

Industry Overview

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India, the fifth largest economy and world's 2nd largest producer of steel has reached its steel production at a historic level of 120 million tonnes per year now moving forward to achieve the target doubling the steel production to 300 million tonnes per annum by 2030.


Steel has played an important role in the development of the Indian economy. India’s crude steel consumption rose from 22 million tons in 1990 to 142 million tons in 2020. According to the Ministry of Steel, the sector contributes around 2 per cent of the country's GDP and employs around 25 lakh people in steel/allied sectors. Evidently, the steel industry is important for the country because it has one of the highest economic linkages in overall GDP. Steel demand in India is expected to register a CAGR of 7-7.5% between 2022- 2025. A major part of this development would be accelerated by Rs 111 crore National Infrastructure Pipeline Initiative of government through fiscal 2025. This growth is also driven by various other government-led initiatives in the affordable housing and infrastructure sector, coupled with robust growth in automotive and capital goods segments.[G1]  The domestic steel industry has the potential to be a net exporter. This is possible if the government looks at rationalizing the cost structure, developing efficient logistics and infrastructure, and making funding available at cheaper rates.

Overall construction sector accounts for majority (greater than 80%) of the steel structures market in India, which is further classified in the following three segments:


Industry - Accounts for more than 50% of demand, primarily driven by steel industry.


Infrastructure - With an overall focus on development of infrastructure, a high demand for steel structures is seen within this segment.


Buildings - Steel structures (especially PEBs) have a strong presence in factory/ warehouse buildings segment. Future potential in high rise buildings could be significant, considering the fast pace of construction desired and scarcity of land in large metropolitan areas. INDUSTRY OVERVIEW With continued focus by the government towards development of core infrastructure such as power, airports, railways, etc.; early indications of revival in industrial sector and probable shift in preference from concrete towards steel structures in the buildings segment, the structural steel demand in India is likely to be robust over next few years.

Summt Overview

Summit Overview

To address the opportunities  and challenges associated with these sectors, BUSINESS MEDIA LINKS (BML), the organizers of the various national & International trade events is planning to organize the first of its kind SSTS 2025 - Steel Structures & Technology Summit, an international Conference & Exhibition on Steel Structure &Technology for Construction and Infrastructure Industry having the Theme "Advances in Steel Structures and Technology" on 25-26 Jun 2025 at BBCC, Kolkata.


The summit has been designed to share knowledge and inspire new technologies in the steel and allied industries in India.


SSTS 2025 aims to showcase and bring together Industry Stalwarts, eminent national and international speakers including policy-makers, scientists and technologists chairing/delivering Plenary & Keynote Addresses, Review and Forecast Papers, Poster presentations and Panel discussions from all levels to share knowledge and learning from around the world. It would be attended by CEOs, steel structure experts, steel structure technology providers and equipment manufacturers, environmentalists, researchers, and engineers associated with steel and its uses in the construction industry.


The theme for the conference “Steel Innovations: Shaping the Future of Structural Engineering” is aptly selected to represent the emerging business dynamics of the industry which underlines the need for technical brilliance today more than ever before.

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Strategic Partner


Institute for Steel Development & Growth (INSDAG) is a not-for-profit, member-based organization established by the Government of India (Ministry of Steel) and Major Steel Producers of the Country in the year 1996 as a “Society” under Societies Registrations Act of West Bengal 1961.


INSDAG is a One-Stop for your queries on use of Steel in Construction.  


The Institute primarily works towards development of advanced and cost-effective design methodologies, technical and institutional marketing by expanding applications of steel in different segments of construction industry, up-gradation of technical skills and know-how, creation of awareness amongst potential users and students and communicating the benefits of steel vis-à-vis other competitive materials etc. INSDAG is also involved actively in formulation and revision of codes and standards for steel use in construction based on latest developments with Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) and Indian Roads Congress (IRC).


Knowledge Partner

PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PHDCCI) has been working as a catalyst for the promotion of Indian industry, trade and entrepreneurship for the past 117 years. It is a forward looking, proactive and dynamic PAN-India apex organization. As a partner in progress with industry and government, PHDCCI works at the grass roots level with strong national and international linkages for propelling progress, harmony and integrated development of the Indian economy.


PHDCCI, acting as the “Voice of Industry & Trade” reaching out to more than 1,50,000 large, medium and small industries, has forged ahead leveraging its legacy with the industry knowledge across multiple sectors to take Indian Economy to the next level.

At the global level, we have been working with the Embassies and High Commissions in India and overseas to bring in the International Best Practices and Business Opportunities.

Organised By

Organised By

Business Media Links (BML) is a growth driven company conceptualize, creates and organise conferences, B2B meetings and exhibitions. With the highest level of services, the core team have over 3 decades of experience working in conference and exhibitions and worked on more than 100 trade shows across the world. BML has been successfully carrying off established trade conferences like COALLOG INDIA, National Coal Conclave & Exhibition etc.

We also offer third party exhibition & conference management, design and organization. Our experienced creative and production team plan and design your event from concept to delivery and creates platforms for industries and specialist markets connects to buyers and sellers to enhance economical trade & innovate.

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